Ferries from Keramoti to Thassos (and return) [Updated 2024]

Thassos is one of the hidden Greek islands but over the past years it has become one of the main destinations for Central-Eastern European travelers.

Those who arrive in Greece via Bulgaria should know that the quickest way to get to Thassos is from Keramoti, a picturesque small resort, with a sandy beach, and plenty of accommodation options.

Thassos, however, is served by two ports: Keramoti and Skala Prinos. Ferries from Kavala to Thassos are also available.

How long does it take to get from Keramoti to Thassos?

The journey takes 35 minutes.

Is there a high speed ferry between Keramoti and Thassos?

No, all ferries take 35 minutes.

How much does it cost to get from Keramoti to Thassos by ferry?

On the Keramoti – Limenas (Thassos) route, operated by Thassos Ferries, a passenger ticket costs €5 one way. Children pay only €3 one way.

You can also take the car on the ferry and buses can also use the ferry to get to the island.

How many ferries per day depart from Keramoti to Thassos during the low season?

The company has only released availability until early June. This means, the 2024 low season schedule only includes ferries from Keramoti to Thassos (Limneas) that depart in April and May:

Day of the week Hour Dates
Daily 05:00 AM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 06:00 AM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 06:30 AM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 07:15 AM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 07:45 AM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 08:15 AM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 09:00 AM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 09:30 AM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 10:15 AM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 10:45 AM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 11:15 AM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 11:45 AM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 12:15 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 12:45 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 1:15 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 1:45 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 2:15 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 2:45 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 3:15 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 3:45 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 4:30 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 5:15 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 6:00 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 6:45 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 7:30 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 8:30 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 9:45 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May

How many ferries per day depart from Keramoti to Thassos during the high season?

The schedule for sailings between Keramoti and Thassos is currently not available for the high season.

A detailed list can be found on the company’s website.

How about the ferries from Thassos to Keramoti?

The 2024 high season Thassos (Limneas) to Keramoti schedule is not yet available.

The 2024 low Thassos (Limneas) to Keramoti schedule only includes ferries that depart in April and May:

Day of the week Hour Dates
Daily 05:00 AM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 06:00 AM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 06:30 AM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 07:00 AM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 07:45 AM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 08:15 AM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 09:00 AM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 09:30 AM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 10:00 AM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 10:30 AM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 11:00 AM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 11:30 AM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 12:00 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 12:30 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 1:00 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 1:30 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 2:00 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 2:30 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 3:15 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 4:00 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 4:45 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 5:30 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 6:15 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 7:00 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 7:45 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 8:30 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May
Daily 9:30 PM from 1-Apr to 5-May

Are there any overnight journeys between Keramoti and Thassos?


Where can I buy tickets from?

Tickets cannot be bought online. Tickets are only available at the company’s booking offices in the port, immediately before departure.

The article includes links that may qualify as affiliate links. If you book through them I may earn a small commission.
The article was first published in 2010; latest schedule and price update was made as of April 2024.

6 thoughts on “Ferries from Keramoti to Thassos (and return) [Updated 2024]

  1. Hello, is there a ferry from thesaloniki to thassos? Or thesaloniki to keramoti and then thassos?

    • Hey, Mariana,
      To get from Thessaloniki to Thassos you need to go by car to Kavala or Keramoti, and then take a ferry to Thassos.
      Unfortunately you cannot book those tickets via our ferry affiliate. As they are not available online at all.
      Tickets can only be purchased from the company booking offices immediately prior to departure.
      You can find the hours here: http://www.thassosferries.gr/en/


  2. Hi, do you know how trustworthy are those ferries? I mean I have my flight at 10 am. and think now if I should go to the mainland already in the evening if there is any hassle with the ferry. Also I would like to book accommodation for my last night but I can´t do it on the island if the first ferry is not earlier than 7 am. Do you have any idea when the ferry company publishes the new schedule for July? Thank you so much!

    • Hi, Annika. Thanks for the comment.
      Literally there isn’t any other way to cross to the island so you can rely on them, or not go. As for the ferry schedule, in general, in Greece, never assume they leave at the minute listed on any schedule: they may be earlier, they may be later.
      Unfortunately, no one knows when the updated schedule for July will be published. Use the June schedule as guidance as it may stay the same (or more sailings might be added).
      The do have contact information on their site so you can drop them an email or give them a call to ask.
      From personal experience traveling in Greece – always have a backup plan. If that means an overnight on the mainland, so be it; if that means you’ll catch the next ferry, that’s that…
      Hope it helps.

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